personDemo1 is a simple program to create and texually display person object 
//import people.Person;
package people;

public class PersonDemo1 {
    public static void main(String[] arg){
        //create the six person objects
        Person bd = new Person("Bob Dylan",5,24,1974);
        Person bs = new Person("Aashutosh Bhatt",03 ,02,2002);
        Person dh = new Person("Dylan hello",10,2,1950);
        Person wc = new Person("Dimitry Ivanowich",8,20,1978);
        Person hh = new Person("Tin Xi Lin",3,14,2025);
        Person ht = new Person("Johnathan Swift",01,01,1965);

        System.out.println(bd + " " +bd.initials()+" "+bd.isBoomer());
        System.out.println(bs + " " +bs.initials()+" "+bs.isBoomer());
        System.out.println(dh + " " +dh.initials()+" "+dh.isBoomer());
        System.out.println(wc + " " +wc.initials()+" "+wc.isBoomer());
        System.out.println(hh + " " +hh.initials()+" "+hh.isBoomer());
        System.out.println(ht + " " +ht.initials()+" "+ht.isBoomer());
