CS1 Standard Demo Page

The following text was written to the standard output stream when the StringOpsDemo.html program was executed from IntelliJ.

/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -javaagent:/opt/intellij-idea-community/lib/idea_rt.jar=35437:/opt/intellij-idea-community/bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /home/abhatt2/IdeaProjects/CS1/out/production/CS1:/home/abhatt2/SimplePainter.jar:/home/abhatt2/SimpleComposer.jar:/home/abhatt2/jfugue-4.0.3-with-musicxml.jar people.PersonDemo1
Bob Dylan, born 5/24/1974 BD false
Aashutosh Bhatt, born 3/2/2002 AB false
Dylan hello, born 10/2/1950 DH true
Dimitry Ivanowich, born 8/20/1978 DI false
Tin Xi Lin, born 3/14/2025 TX false
Johnathan Swift, born 1/1/1965 JS false

Process finished with exit code 0