1    /* 
2     * Assignment 4 Problem 6: Deterministic Invention 
3     * It uses at least one while statement in a nontrivial way. 
4     * It uses at least one if statement in a nontrivial way. 
5     * It features both circles and squares, all created from just one SCircle and just one SSquare. No rectangles. 
6     * It creates the exact same image every time it is run. 
7     * There is some chance that the casual observer might find the image interesting! 
8     */
10   package npw;
12   import painter.SPainter;
13   import shapes.SCircle;
14   import shapes.SSquare;
15   import javax.swing.*;
16   import java.awt.*;
17   import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
19   public class Invention1 {
23   private void paintTheImage() {
24       String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter time in 24 hr format(ex: 1:24)...");
25       // position of colon is important to know the length of each number
26       int division = input.indexOf(":");
27       String firstHr = input.substring(0, 1);
28       String secondHr = input.substring(division - 1, division);
29       String firstMin = input.substring(division + 1, division + 2);
30       String secondMin = input.substring(division + 2, division + 3);
31       String colon = input.substring(division,division+1);
32       System.out.println(firstHr + "+" + secondHr + "+" + colon + "+" + firstMin + "+" + secondMin);
33       // paint each number in different canvas so that the paintNumber method can be used
34       // again and again without changing the position of each dot every time.
35       paintFirstHr(firstHr,input);
36       paintSecondHr(secondHr);
37       paintColon(colon);
38       paintFirstMin(firstMin);
39       paintSecondMin(secondMin);
40   }
41       // String x is needed because the paintNumber method use x parameter so that the method
42       // isn't needed to copy and paste in every method.
43       private void paintColon(String colon) {
44           SPainter painter = new SPainter("Colon",100,200);
45           painter.setScreenLocation(530,100);
46           String x = colon;
47           paintNumber(painter,x);
48       }
50       private void paintFirstHr(String firstHr,String input) {
51       // if the input length is 4, it means that the hour is single digit.
52       // Not to repeat the hour twice, make sure the first canvas is blank if the hour is single digit.
53           if (input.length()==4) {
54               SPainter painter = new SPainter("Hour", 230, 380);
55               painter.setScreenLocation(0,0);
56           } else {
57               SPainter painter = new SPainter("Hour", 230, 380);
58               painter.setScreenLocation(0,0);
59               String x = firstHr;
60               paintNumber(painter,x);
61           }
62       }
64       // other painting number can used same methods except new canvas and different screen location.
65       private void paintSecondHr(String secondHr) {
66           SPainter painter = new SPainter("Hour", 230, 380);
67           painter.setScreenLocation(300,0);
68           String x = secondHr;
69           paintNumber(painter,x);
70       }
72       private void paintFirstMin(String firstMin) {
73           SPainter painter = new SPainter("Minute", 230, 380);
74           painter.setScreenLocation(630,0);
75           String x = firstMin;
76           paintNumber(painter,x);
77       }
79       private void paintSecondMin(String secondMin) {
80           SPainter painter = new SPainter("Minute", 230, 380);
81           painter.setScreenLocation(860,0);
82           String x = secondMin;
83           paintNumber(painter,x);
84       }
87       // create method of rows and columns so that the length of program can be limited.
88       private void paintNumber(SPainter painter, String x) {
89       // here are just one square and one circle I used for the program
90           SSquare square = new SSquare(50);
91           SCircle circle = square.inscribingCircle();
92           // painter need to wash the previous canvas so that the painting wont be repeated.
93           // if loop here!!!
94           if (x.equals("0")) {
95               painter.wash();
96               paintFirstColumn(painter,circle,square);
97               paintThirdRow(painter,circle,square);
98               paintFirstRow(painter,circle,square);
99               paintSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
100          } else if (x.equals("1")) {
101              painter.wash();
102              paintSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
103          } else if (x.equals("2")) {
104              painter.wash();
105              paintFirstRow(painter,circle,square);
106              paintHalfTopSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
107              paintSecondRow(painter,circle,square);
108              paintHalfBottomFirstColumn(painter,circle,square);
109              paintThirdRow(painter,circle,square);
110          } else if (x.equals("3")) {
111              painter.wash();
112              paintFirstRow(painter,circle,square);
113              paintSecondRow(painter,circle,square);
114              paintThirdRow(painter,circle,square);
115              paintSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
116          } else if (x.equals("4")) {
117              painter.wash();
118              paintHalfTopFirstColumn(painter,circle,square);
119              paintSecondRow(painter,circle,square);
120              paintSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
121          } else if (x.equals("5")) {
122              painter.wash();
123              paintFirstRow(painter,circle,square);
124              paintHalfTopFirstColumn(painter,circle,square);
125              paintSecondRow(painter,circle,square);
126              paintHalfBottomSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
127              paintThirdRow(painter,circle,square);
128          } else if (x.equals("6")) {
129              painter.wash();
130              paintFirstColumn(painter,circle,square);
131              paintFirstRow(painter,circle,square);
132              paintSecondRow(painter,circle,square);
133              paintHalfBottomSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
134              paintThirdRow(painter,circle,square);
135          } else if (x.equals("7")) {
136              painter.wash();
137              paintFirstRow(painter,circle,square);
138              paintSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
139          } else if (x.equals("8")) {
140              painter.wash();
141              paintFirstColumn(painter,circle,square);
142              paintSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
143              paintFirstRow(painter,circle,square);
144              paintSecondRow(painter,circle,square);
145              paintThirdRow(painter,circle,square);
146          } else if (x.equals("9")) {
147              painter.wash();
148              paintFirstRow(painter,circle,square);
149              paintHalfTopFirstColumn(painter,circle,square);
150              paintSecondRow(painter,circle,square);
151              paintSecondColumn(painter,circle,square);
152          } else if (x.equals(":")){
153              painter.wash();
154              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
155              painter.mbk(circle.diameter());
156              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
157          }
158      }
160      private void paintHalfBottomSecondColumn(SPainter painter, SCircle circle, SSquare square) {
161          Point2D.Double position = new Point2D.Double(175,175);
162          painter.setPosition(position);
163          for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
164              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
165              painter.mbk(circle.diameter());
166              try {
167                  Thread.sleep(50);
168              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
169                  e.printStackTrace();
170              }
171          }
172      }
174      private void paintHalfTopFirstColumn(SPainter painter, SCircle circle,SSquare square) {
175          Point2D.Double position = new Point2D.Double(25,25);
176          painter.setPosition(position);
177          int i = 0;
178          // while loop here!!!
179          while ( i <= 3){
180              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
181              painter.mbk(circle.diameter());
182              i++;
183              try {
184                  Thread.sleep(50);
185              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
186                  e.printStackTrace();
187              }
188          }
189      }
191      private void paintHalfBottomFirstColumn(SPainter painter, SCircle circle,SSquare square) {
192          Point2D.Double position = new Point2D.Double(25,175);
193          painter.setPosition(position);
194          for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
195              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
196              painter.mbk(circle.diameter());
197              try {
198                  Thread.sleep(50);
199              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
200                  e.printStackTrace();
201              }
202          }
203      }
205      private void paintHalfTopSecondColumn(SPainter painter, SCircle circle,SSquare square) {
206          Point2D.Double position = new Point2D.Double(175,25);
207          painter.setPosition(position);
208          for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
209              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
210              painter.mbk(circle.diameter());
211              try {
212                  Thread.sleep(50);
213              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
214                  e.printStackTrace();
215              }
216          }
217      }
219      private void paintThirdRow(SPainter painter, SCircle circle,SSquare square) {
220          Point2D.Double position = new Point2D.Double(25,325);
221          painter.setPosition(position);
222          for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
223              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
224              painter.mrt(circle.diameter());
225              try {
226                  Thread.sleep(50);
227              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
228                  e.printStackTrace();
229              }
230          }
231      }
233      private void paintSecondRow(SPainter painter, SCircle circle,SSquare square) {
234          Point2D.Double position = new Point2D.Double(25,175);
235          painter.setPosition(position);
236          for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
237              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
238              painter.mrt(circle.diameter());
239              try {
240                  Thread.sleep(50);
241              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
242                  e.printStackTrace();
243              }
244          }
245      }
247      private void paintFirstRow(SPainter painter, SCircle circle, SSquare square) {
248          Point2D.Double position = new Point2D.Double(25,25);
249          painter.setPosition(position);
250          for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
251              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
252              painter.mrt(circle.diameter());
253              try {
254                  Thread.sleep(50);
255              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
256                  e.printStackTrace();
257              }
258          }
259      }
261      private void paintSecondColumn(SPainter painter, SCircle circle, SSquare square) {
262          Point2D.Double position = new Point2D.Double(175,25);
263          painter.setPosition(position);
264          for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++){
265              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
266              painter.mbk(circle.diameter());
267              try {
268                  Thread.sleep(50);
269              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
270                  e.printStackTrace();
271              }
272          }
273      }
275      private void paintFirstColumn(SPainter painter, SCircle circle, SSquare square) {
276          Point2D.Double position = new Point2D.Double(25,25);
277          painter.setPosition(position);
278          for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++){
279              paintOneCircle(painter,circle,square);
280              painter.mbk(circle.diameter());
281              try {
282                  Thread.sleep(50);
283              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
284                  e.printStackTrace();
285              }
286          }
287      }
289      // paint the square too so that the number is more clear.
290      private void paintOneCircle(SPainter painter, SCircle circle,SSquare square) {
291          painter.setColor(;
292          painter.paint(square);
293          painter.setColor(Color.YELLOW);
294          painter.paint(circle);
295          painter.setColor(Color.BLACK);
296          painter.draw(square);
297      }
302  public Invention1() {
303      paintTheImage();
304      }
306      public static void main(String[] args) {
307          SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
308              public void run() {
309                  new Invention1() ;
310              }
311          });
312      }
313  }