1    /* 
2     * Assignment 4 Problem 7: Nondeterministic Invention 
3     * It uses at least one while statement in a nontrivial way. 
4     * It uses at least one if statement in a nontrivial way. 
5     * It features solely rectangles, all generated from a single SRectangle. 
6     * The program takes no input from the user of the program. 
7     * It creates a different image each time the program is executed, different with respect to number or size or color or whatever of the featured object. 
8     * There is some chance that the casual observer might find the image interesting! 
9     */
11   package npw;
13   import painter.SPainter;
14   import shapes.SRectangle;
15   import javax.swing.*;
16   import java.awt.*;
17   import java.util.Random;
19   public class Invention2 {
20       public static void main(String[] args){
21           SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
22               public void run() {
23                   new Invention2();
24               }
25           });
26       }
28       public Invention2() {
29           paintTheImage();
30       }
32       private void paintTheImage() {
33           SPainter painter = new SPainter("Optical Illusion",800,800);
34           SRectangle rectangle = new SRectangle(799,800);
35           painter.setColor(Color.BLACK);
36           painter.paint(rectangle);
37           int i = 0;
38           // set the limit of rectangle to 110 so that the latest rectangles will not become big again.
39           while (i <= 110){
40               // for aesthetic:
41               // if even, random color will be chosen and painted.
42               // if even, the square will tilt left to random degree.
43               if (i % 2 == 0) {
44         ;
45                   rectangle.shrink(randomNumber(), randomNumber());
46                   painter.setColor(randomColor());
47                   painter.paint(rectangle);
48                   painter.setColor(Color.BLACK);
49                   painter.draw(rectangle);
50               } else {
51               // For aesthetic:
52               // if odd, the square will be black and tilt left only 10 degree
53               // so that the final product be be more spiral.
54         ;
55                   rectangle.shrink(10, 10);
56                   painter.setColor(Color.BLACK);
57                   painter.paint(rectangle);
58               }
59               i++;
60           }
61       }
63       private static double randomNumber() {
64           Random rgen = new Random();
65           int degree = rgen.nextInt(10);
66           return degree;
67       }
69       private static Color randomColor() {
70           Random rgen = new Random();
71           int r = rgen.nextInt(256);
72           int g = rgen.nextInt(256);
73           int b = rgen.nextInt(256);
74           return new Color (r,g,b);
75       }
76   }