1    /* 
2     * Assignment 4 Problem 8: Stella 
3     * The number of concentric squares will be read from a dialog box. 
4     * Two randomly chosen colors will be used for the image that is painted when the program is run. 
5     * The canvas will be of size 800 by 800 and the largest square will be 700 by 700. 
6     */
8    package npw;
10   import painter.SPainter;
11   import shapes.SSquare;
12   import javax.swing.*;
13   import java.awt.*;
14   import java.util.Random;
15   import java.util.Scanner;
18   public class Stella {
19       public static void main(String[] args){
20           SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
21               public void run() {
22                   new Stella();
23               }
24           });
25       }
26       public Stella() {
27           paintTheImage();
28       }
30       private void paintTheImage() {
31           SPainter painter = new SPainter("Stella",800,800);
32           SSquare square = new SSquare(700);
33           int squareNum = getNumber("Number of concentric squares");
34           // the side is to make sure the squares are spaced equal length
35           double side = square.side()/(squareNum+1);
36           // to make sure there is only two random color, create random color
37           Color color1 = randomColor();
38           Color color2 = randomColor();
39           int i = 0;
40           while (i <= squareNum){
41            // use odd and even so that the square wont be paint twice with same color.
42               if (i % 2 == 0) {
43                   painter.setColor(color1);
44                   painter.paint(square);
45                   square.shrink(side);
46               } else {
47                   painter.setColor(color2);
48                   painter.paint(square);
49                   square.shrink(side);
50               }
51               i++;
52           }
53       }
55       private static int getNumber(String prompt) {
56           // The input from the Input Dialog is a string so need to scanner to make sure it's a int.
57           String nss = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, prompt + "?");
58           Scanner scanner = new Scanner(nss);
59           return scanner.nextInt();
60       }
62       private static Color randomColor() {
63           Random rgen = new Random();
64           int r = rgen.nextInt(256);
65           int g = rgen.nextInt(256);
66           int b = rgen.nextInt(256);
67           return new Color (r,g,b);
68       }
69   }