CSC420: Personal presentations
Your personal presentation will consist of analysis, evaluation, and suggestions for improvement to a GUI of your choice. Pick a GUI (can be a desktop one, a browser one, or a smartphone one) and discuss:
- its back-end application, target audience, and respectiveily its purpose
- the GUI patterns that were used in its design
- the psychological principles used in its design
- the impact of the above on the user
- where the GUI can be improved in your opinion
- how it can be improved (design)
- how it can be implemented if it were done in Java Swing
You will have approximately 15 minutes for your presentation (plus five minutes for questions). Make sure you follow the good presentation guidelines we discussed. It is a good idea to pick a GUI that is simultaneously rich (having at least a few screens, etc) and is quite good already, because if you pick a terrible interface you'll run out of time criticizing it, while if you pick a small one you won't have interesting things to talk about.