CSC435: Web Services

Welcome to the home page for CSC435. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to concepts and standards in Web services such as REST and SOAP. We will also study server-side frameworks and technologies that enable the use of Web services such as Java EE.

The Java language is used for the course. You can find some helpful Java-related links below.

You must check your email accounts regularly, because I will send course messages over email. You must also check this web site at least once a week. Everything that you need for the course is either located or referenced here.

The best way to contact me is via email. My email address is my first name at cs dot oswego dot edu. I do reply very quickly. Of course, you can also come to my office in Shineman 441 if you prefer personal communication.

This is a heavy programming course. You will be required to code a lot and learn various peculiarities of the software we'll use as you go. If you do not feel confident in your programming abilities, please drop now and retake the course when you do. The class will not wait for students who only cover the prerequisites on paper.