CSC435: Homework 2

Homework 2 consists of implementing a service layer to your project, as well as consuming external services as needed.

Read the document pertaining to REST services on the course web page. It has some details that were not mentioned in class.

Write servlets and/or filters for a view layer to your application. This view layer will present your entire application functionality as a set of RESTful services. Use the JSON format by default, and do not forget to set the appropriate MIME type of your response:
response.setContentType("application/json; charset=UTF-8");

Do not forget to work with all related servlet methods, depending on the service endpoint you are providing: GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.

NB: if your req spec document had poorly specified endpoints / external services, now is the time to fix it. For some projects you may have to rethink your entire application and change its focus.

Submit to the Brightspace dropbox your sources and your packaged application in .war format.