CSC435: Homework 3

In Homework 3 you will complete the design of the architecture of your application, complete its internal logic, and persist data directly to a db.

Use the MVC pattern to split the architecture of your application between logic, presentation, and dispatch. Write additional servlets / filters as needed. Connect to the PostgreSQL rdbms to persist your data with simple SQL statements. Use the RESTful layer you created in HW2 as the view / presentation.

Create an accurate description of the data flow in your project in diagrammatic form. If you used MVC appropriately in HW2, this task should be very easy.

NB: if your req spec document had poorly specified endpoints / external services, now is the time to fix it. For some projects you may have to rethink your entire application and change its focus.

Submit to the Brightspace dropbox your sources, your packaged application in .war format, your MVC diagram, and an SQL dump of your database.