CSC435: Homework 6

Rebuild the service, logic, and data layer of your entire project from scratch in Spring, and in particular Spring Boot. Follow the tutorials to acquire a basic understanding and let me know if you have questions. Spring is a framework that is widely used in industry, which means you should spend the time familiarizing yourself with its quirks in order to get a significant boost to your resume after graduation, rather than just using it and forgetting about it afterwards. This is also the reason we are spending two homeworks on it.

Use JPA for your data layer. Spring has excellent support for JPA/Hibernate. You can start here. You may use an in-memory RDBMS such as H2 for now (which the guide uses).

After this homework your project should be running well from end to end without cross-cutting concerns such as logging and security, which we'll address in homework 7.

Submit to the Brightspace dropbox your archived (zip or tar.gz) project directory, following the recommended directory structure. That should include all of your Java source files in addition to any other resources you are using.