CSC454: Homework 2

Implement and simulate an atomic model of a vending machine. The machine sells coffee and accepts only nickels, dimes, and quarters. When $1 has been inserted, the machine dispenses a cup of coffee. When the CHANGE button is pressed, the machine returns any unspent coins.

The model accepts any combinations of inputs from the set {nickel, dime, quarter, cancel, wait} and produces combinations of output from the set {nickel, dime, quarter, coffee, nothing}. The state of the model consists of five variables: the number of quarters, nickels, and dimes in the machine, respectively; the total value that the user has entered so far; and whether the CHANGE button was pressed. The output function produces a coffee output for every 100 cents' value the user entered, and, if the state of the CHANGE button is true, it also produces a correct combination of nickel, dime, and quarter outputs for (value % 100). The state transition function alters the state of the machine appropriately (i.e., processes the input, and also decreases the value and the number of coins accordingly to account for what the output function does). It's a good idea to apply the output function before the state transition in order not to have to keep stale states around.

Use the Java language for this assignment. Submit your sources to the Blackboard dropbox when you are done. Demonstrate the working assignment to me within a week after the deadline.