CSC455: Homework 5

Use the Asteroids framework, which I developed for the course and which is accessible from the course page, to create an AI-driven ship. You can use any of the algorithms we have covered.

Put all of your classes in the following package: ships.y2020.<yourname> , substituting yourname as appropriate. When submitting the homework, indicate in a comment which of your classes is the main class to run.

Your ships will participate in a competition at Quest.

Here is the cmd line for running your ship. Assumes that you have unzipped the jar, you are in the same directory, and your ship class is in ships/y2020/yourname:
java -cp .:lib/* -Djava.library.path=lib/native/linux asteroidsfw.Game file=input

Of course, remember to put your ship class name in the input file.

Submit your sources to the dropbox before the deadline.