CSC490: Competition Rules

The competition will use an Asteroids framework. Your agents will have read-only access to the objects in the world. In addition, they will be able to "press" buttons just like a human would, thus controlling the ship.

A single competition round takes place over a two-minute interval. There are two ships in the world, competing for the highest score achieved within those two minutes. The possible points are as follows:

Asteroids bounce off each other according to the rules specified in Homework 2. If an asteroid collides with a ship, the ship dies, and respawns 10 seconds later in a safe area of the world (that no asteroids can enter). This area is a "space station" in the middle of the game world, represented by a circle. It is immobile, and asteroids bounce off of it just like they do off of each other.

The two ships cannot shoot each other. If a bullet collides with a ship or with the space station, it (the bullet) disappears.

A ship can only shoot one bullet every two seconds.