CSC490: Homework 1

In this homework you'll program Space Invaders in Java using the Minueto library. It will teach you the basics of game programming: the game loop and motion/animation. It will also teach you how to use Minueto.

Minueto is a nice Java library for our purposes because it provides abstractions over things that we don't care about in this course: graphics, input, and some file management. Download it and look through the examples to see how to use it. Do not use the artificial frame ceiling that the framework supports, we'll implement our own in the game loop.

You can read about Space Invaders (and play it) here. Our implementation will be simpler: there is only one type of alien, there are no "bunkers" under which to hide, there are no bonus ships/lives, no score, and the aliens don't shoot. In short, I only want the very basics: a ship moving left/right along the bottom of the screen, shooting up, and several rows of aliens crawling from the top down.