CSC490: Homework 2
In this homework you'll program Asteroids in Java using the Minueto library. It will teach you some more advanced physics and collision detection.
You can read about Asteroids (and play it) here. In your implementation, there are the following changes:
- All asteroids are circular. No fancy shapes.
- There are three levels of asteroids: radius 12, radius 6, and radius 3. When shot, the large ones split into two of the smaller kind. When the smallest kind get shot, they disappear.
- Asteroids do not pass through each other as in the original game; they bounce off each other based on their velocities before the bounce (apply basic physics).
- There are no enemy ships.
- The player ship has a velocity and a rotation. When the up-arrow key is applied, it receives a thrust in the direction of its rotation. When the down-arrow key is applied, it receives a thrust in the direction opposite to its rotation.
- Asteroids come on screen with random velocities (within sensible limits). Also, there can be a lot of asteroids on screen. Use a large resolution for your main frame, so that you can have as many as possible.