CSC490: Course Schedule

The schedule is tentative. We will try to follow it, but allowances will be made if we progress too slow (or fast).

Week Topics Notes
1 Intro to programming games. Definitions
2 The game loop. Timelines. Measuring time GEA chapter 7
3 Collision detection. Basic shapes. AABB, circles, capsules. GJK GEA chapter 12; RCD
4 GJK continued; swept shapes. Basic physics. Motion vectors, rotations. Impulses and energy GEA chapter 12; RCD; GP
5 Finishing basic physics. Overview of game AI GP, AI chapters 1 and 2
6 -- 7 Finite State Machines AI chapter 15

Legend: GEA is "Game Engine Architecture" by Jason Gregory. AI is "AI Game Engine Programming" by Brian Schwab. GP is "Game Physics" by David Eberly. RCD is "Real-Time Collision Detection" by Christer Ericson.