February 12, 2001

The readings for this class were:

The outline for the class is:

  1. Announcements
  2. Questions
  3. Memory Structures
  4. Dual-coding theory
  5. Sapir-Whorf


Overhead Notes

  1. The dog jumped over the fence
  2. S -> NP, VP
    NP -> det, N
    VP -> V, PP
    PP -> prep, NP
    N -> dog, cat, boy, fence, man, ...
    V -> jumped, climbed, ...
    Prep -> over, around, ...
    det -> a, an, the, ...
    S -> NP, VP
      -> det, N, VP
      -> the, cat, VP
      -> the, cat, climbed, PP
      -> the, cat, climbed, over, the, boy
  3. Tachistoscope, T-scope
    F. C. Bartlett, "Remembering"
    semantic verification task - An S is a P
  4. Semantic features: defining, characteristic
  5. Fodor et. al.: 3 components to lexicon entry
    syntactic marker, semantic marker, distinguisher
    example of entry for "bachelor"
  6. "Just because the brain looks like a bowl of porridge doesn't mean that it is a serial processor." M. Arbib
  7. strong v. weak form of determinism
    lexical v. grammatical elements

Parting Thoughts

Self-test Questions

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Comments to author: David Bozak
All contents copyright © 2001, SUNY Oswego, All rights reserved.
Revised: February 12, 2001
URL: http://www.cs.oswego.edu/~dab/310/classes/021201.html