Restrictive Relative Clause Formation

where N is the "head N" of the NP to which the relative S is attached as a modifier (qualifier, attribute) by a relative pronoun (that, who, which, whom, ...).

We can create a complex sentence with an algorithm:

  1. get 2 sentences with co-referential NPs. One is the "main" clause, the other is the "subordinate" clause.

    3a) I hit the ball. (main S)
    3b) The ball was red.
    3c) I threw the ball.
    3d) The girl threw the bat at the ball.

  2. attach a relative pronoun to the coreferential NP in the relative clause - substitute a pronoun for the noun, that for the ball in 3b, 3c, and 3d.
  3. move the NP (now with the pronoun) to the front of the relative clause. Thus for 3d,

    that the girl threw the bat at.

  4. embed the string headed by the relative pronoun immediately after the head N in the main S.

    I hit the ball ~ that the girl threw the bat at.

  5. in certain situations you may optionally delete the relative pronoun:

    I hit the ball the girl threw the bat at.

    but not always

    *I hit the ball was red.


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Comments to author: David Bozak
All contents copyright © 2000, SUNY Oswego, All rights reserved.
Revised: February 5, 2001