Restrictive Relative Clause Formation
where N is the "head N" of the NP to which the relative S is attached
as a modifier (qualifier, attribute) by a relative pronoun (that, who,
which, whom, ...).
We can create a complex sentence with an algorithm:
- get 2 sentences with co-referential NPs. One is the "main" clause, the
other is the "subordinate" clause.
3a) I hit the ball. (main S)
3b) The ball was red.
3c) I threw the ball.
3d) The girl threw the bat at the ball.
- attach a relative pronoun to the coreferential NP in the relative
clause - substitute a pronoun for the noun, that for the ball
in 3b, 3c, and 3d.
- move the NP (now with the pronoun) to the front of the relative clause.
Thus for 3d,
that the girl threw the bat at.
- embed the string headed by the relative pronoun immediately after
the head N in the main S.
I hit the ball ~ that the girl threw the bat at.
- in certain situations you may optionally delete the relative pronoun:
I hit the ball the girl threw the bat at.
but not always
*I hit the ball was red.
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Comments to author: David Bozak
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Revised: February 5, 2001