Table 2 1, Excerpt of an M/R training session, 1/20/81. The aim of the session was to review and improve pronunciation of the label "five." B refers to Bruce Rosen, one of the secondary trainers, I to the principal trainer (me), and A to the parrot Alex. This portion of the session lasted approximately 5 minutes. (After Pepperberg 1988a) I: (Acting as trainer): Bruce, what's this? B: (Acting as model/rival): Five wood. I: That's right, five wood. Here you are ... Five wood. (hands over five wooden craft sticks. B begins to break one apart, much as Alex would.) A: 'ii wood. B: (Now acting as trainer, quickly replaces broken stick and presents the five sticks to Alex): Better ... (briefly turns away, then repositions himself in visual contact with Alex) ... how many? A: No! B: (Turns from Alex to establish visual contact with the PI.) Irene, what's this? (Presents slicks.) I: (Now acting as model/rival): 'ii wood. B: Better (turns, then resumes eye contact) ... how many? I: FIVE wood (takes wooden sticks) ... five wood.(Now acts as trainer, directs gaze to Alex and presents sticks to him) ... how many wood? A: Fife wood. I: OK, Alex, close enough ... fivvvvve wood ... here's five wood. (Places one stick in the bird's beak and the others within his reach.)