Turn-taking rules

  1. For any turn, at the initial transition-relevance place of an initial turn-constructional unit
    1. if the turn-so-far is so constructed as to involve the use of a "current speaker selects next" technique, then the person chosen has the right to be next speaker, and is obliged to take the next turn.
    2. if the turn-so-far is so constructed as not to involve the use of a "curent speaker selects next" technique, then self-selection may, but need not be instituted. The first starter acquires rights to the turn.
    3. if the turn-so-far is so constructed as not to involve the use of a "current speaker selects next" technique, then the current speaker may, but need not continue, unless another self-selects.
  2. If at the intitial transition-relevence place of an initial turn-constructional unit, neither 1a nor 1b has operated, and following the provisions of 1c the current speaker continues, then the set of 1a-1c reapplies at the next transition-relevance place, and recursively at each next transition-relevance place, until transer is effected.

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Comments to author: David Bozak
All contents copyright © 2000, SUNY Oswego, All rights reserved.
Revised: March 26, 2001
URL: http://www.cs.oswego.edu/~dab/310/turntaking.html