Psycholinguistics-L Mailing List
Information & Welcome File

Greetings! This file is sent to all new subscribers automatically. It contains important information, so please save it and refer to it as a primary reference for participating in this list.

Table of Contents:

  1. Statement of purpose
  2. Mailing to the list
  3. Majordomo list commands
  4. Archives of the list
  5. Privacy
  6. Other contact points
  7. Netiquette guidelines

I. Statement of Purpose

This mailing list was created to support the work of the students in Psycholinguistics, to enable us to communicate, share experiences, announce events, and otherwise keep in touch. To that end, this closed list will provide a mechanism to quickly distribute announcements, provide information and to serve as a forum for extended discussion on matters of concern to all.


II. Mailing to the list

All mail to the psycholinguistics-L mailing list should be sent to:

where it will be automatically redistributed to all members of the list. The list is a closed list, which means that only the students and instructor will receive the list mail and have access to the archives. This should allow for unrestrained and freewheeling discussions to take place.


III. Majordomo List Commands

All of the following one line commands should be sent to:

and the subject line is ignored, so may be left blank. In the body of the email, you need to provide each command on a single line, and no other material (such as a signature files), as follows:

to unsubscribe:

unsubscribe psycholinguistics-L
to get this file:
info psycholinguistics-L
to get help:

For example, a Pine compose to get this file and help would be:

To      : 
Cc      : 
Subject : 
----- Message Text ----- 
info psycholinguistics-L 


III. Archives of the List

All postings to the psycholinguistics-L list are archived monthly and may be retrieved using the "index" and "get" commands (see the help file contents).


IV. Privacy

This list is a closed list. That means that the list membership is restricted and access to the archives are also restricted. In addition, members of the list are expected to maintain the list's privacy by not redistributing any list messages to non-members.


V. Other Contact Points

The list owner is David Bozak,


VI. Netiquette Guidelines

There are a number of issues that arise with respect to "good behavior" on the Internet in general, and mailing lists in particular. The following are provided as a gentle reminder to be considerate of the members of the list. There are a number of guides available which discuss Netiquette. One of the best is "The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette" by Arlene Rinaldi. To obtain a copy via email, send the following one line command 'send docs-gen rinaldi-netiquette' (without the single quotes) to

This guide is also available through ftp at or through the web at


| 310 Home Page | Psychology Department | SUNY Oswego |

Comments to author: David Bozak
All contents copyright © 2000, SUNY Oswego, All rights reserved.
Revised: December 20, 2000