finding the yellow area of an image. 

package shapes;

import shapes.SSquare;
import shapes.SCircle;
import shapes.SRectangle;

import java.lang.Math;

public class YellowSpace {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double edge = 400;
        double d1 = 60;
        double d2 = 30;
        double d3 = 15;

        SSquare largegray = new SSquare(edge);

        double largegrayA = largegray.area();

        System.out.println("largegray area = " + largegrayA);

        //finding the large yellow square
        SCircle largecircle = new SCircle((edge - (2 * d1)) / 2);
        SSquare largeyellow = largecircle.inscribingSquare();
        double largeyellowA = largeyellow.area();
        System.out.println("largeyellow area = " + largeyellowA);

        //finding the small gray square
        SCircle middlecircle = new SCircle((((Math.sqrt(largeyellowA)) / 2) - d2));
        SSquare smallgray = middlecircle.inscribingSquare();
        double smallgrayA = smallgray.area();
        System.out.println("smallgray area = " + smallgrayA);

        // finding the small yellow square
        SCircle smallcircle = new SCircle((((Math.sqrt(smallgrayA)) / 2) - d3));
        SSquare smallyellow = smallcircle.inscribingSquare();
        double smallyellowA = smallyellow.area();
        System.out.println("smallyellow area = " + smallyellowA);

        //finding the yellow space
        double yellowspace = ((largeyellowA - smallgrayA) + smallyellowA);
        System.out.println("yellow space area = " + yellowspace);