CS1 Standard Demo Page

The following text was written to the standard output stream when the YellowSpace program was executed from IntelliJ.

Side length of larger grey square = 400.0
Area of larger grey square = 160000.0
Diameter of larger yellow diamond = 280.0
Area of larger yellow diamond = 1.53664E9
Side length of larger yellow diamond = 197.9898987322333
Diameter of smaller grey square = 137.9898987322333
Area of smaller grey square = 9.064194005562487E7
Side length of smaller grey square = 97.57359312880715
Diameter of smaller yellow square = 67.57359312880715
Area of smaller yellow square = 5212523.893946131
Side length of smaller yellow square = 47.78174593052023
Area that yellow diamonds are occupying = 31962.489168102784