package shapes;

public class WorkArea {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       int deskHeight = 24;
       int deskWidth = 36;

       //make all the objects
       SRectangle desk = new SRectangle(deskHeight, deskWidth);
       SRectangle book = new SRectangle(8.5, 11);
       SCircle glass = new SCircle(1.35);
       SSquare coaster = glass.circumscribingSquare();
       SCircle plate = new SCircle(8);

       //calculate the area of the messy objects. remember there are multiple of books and other objects
       double messyArea = (book.area() * 2) + (plate.area() * 3) + (coaster.area() * 3);
       double deskArea = desk.area();
       double cleanArea = deskArea - messyArea;
       System.out.println("Of desk area: " + deskArea + " inches, only: " + cleanArea + " inches is clean" );
