CS1 Standard Demo Page

The following text was written to the standard output stream when the WhiteArea program was executed from IntelliJ.

 * Compute The WhiteArea of Die
package shapes;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class WhiteArea {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double edgeLength = 0.75;
        double dotDiameter = ( edgeLength / 8 );
        //Create square to calculate the area of the cube
        SSquare dieFace = new SSquare(edgeLength);
        System.out.println(" dieFace = " + dieFace.toString());
        System.out.println("Area of dieFace = " + 6 * dieFace.area());
        //Create circle to calculate the area of the dots
        SCircle dots = new SCircle( dotDiameter / 2 );
        System.out.println("dots = " + dots.toString());
        System.out.println(" Area of dots = " + 21 * dots.area());
        //find whiteArea
        double whiteArea = ( ( 6 * dieFace.area() ) - ( 21 * dots.area()));
        System.out.println("whiteArea = " + whiteArea);

