1    /* 
2    * A program to model a person in terms of five properties, first name and last name (String values), month, day, and year of birth (int values). 
3    * Made by Hunter Gersitz | SUNY Oswego | Fall 2019 
4     */
5    package people;
7    public class Person {
9        private String firstName;
10       private String lastName;
11       private int month;
12       private int day;
13       private int year;
15       public Person (String name, int m, int d, int yr) {
16           int position = name.indexOf(" ");
17           this.firstName = name.substring(0, position+1);
18           this.lastName = name.substring(position + 1);
19           this.month = m;
20  = d;
21           this.year = yr;
22       }
24       public String toString() {
25           String display = firstName + " " + lastName + ", " + "born " + month + "/" + day + "/" + year;
26           return display;
27       }
28       public String getFirstName() {
29           String fn = firstName;
30           return fn;
31       }
32       public String getLastName() {
33           String ln = lastName;
34           return ln;
35       }
36       public int getMonth() {
37           int m = month;
38           return m;
39       }
40       public int getDay() {
41           int d = day;
42           return d;
43       }
44       public int getYears() {
45           int anos = year;
46           return anos;
47       }
48       public String getInitials() {
49           String fName = firstName.substring(0, 1) + lastName.substring(0, 1);
50           String toUpperString = firstName.toUpperCase() + lastName.toUpperCase();
51           return toUpperString;
52       }
53       public boolean getSpecialYr() {
54           return year >= 1945 && year <= 1964;
55       }
57   }