Pandemics: A Look at 10 of the worst pandemics in history

The Swine Flu

Influenza from pigs, oiy-nk.
The Swine Flu


You knew this was going to be on here.


An autoimmune disease that has been a pandemic for decades.

Third Cholera Pandemic

An on-going pandemic. Amidst another pandemic. Pandemicception.


One of the oldest pandemics in human history.

The Antonine Plague

The world's first taste of a plague.
The Antonine Plague

The Plague of Justinian

This won't be the first time you'll hear about this plague.
The Plague of Justinian

The Spanish Flu

One of the deadliest pandemics in human history.
The Spanish Flu

The Black Death

Told you.
The Black Death

The pages are color coordinated to represent the death toll, the deeper the red, the worse it gets.
This is also just a summary of the pandemics. I left Source links for the documents I used to get the data I used.