package shapes;

public class WhiteArea {
    public static void main(String [] args){
        SSquare dieface = new SSquare(0.75);
        double edgelength = dieface.side();
        SCircle dot = new SCircle(edgelength);
        double sidearea1 = dieface.area()-dot.area();
        double sidearea2 = dieface.area()-(2*dot.area());
        double sidearea3 = dieface.area()-(3*dot.area());
        double sidearea4 = dieface.area()-(4*dot.area());
        double sidearea5 = dieface.area()-(5*dot.area());
        double sidearea6 = dieface.area()-(6*dot.area());
        double totalarea = sidearea1 + sidearea2 + sidearea3 + sidearea4 + sidearea5 + sidearea6;
        System.out.println("The white area of the side with one dot is: " + sidearea1 + " square inches");
        System.out.println("The white area of the side with two dots is: " + sidearea2 + " square inches");
        System.out.println("The white area of the side with three dots is: " + sidearea3 + " square inches");
        System.out.println("The white area of the side with four dots is: " + sidearea4 + " square inches");
        System.out.println("The white area of the side with five dots is: " + sidearea5 + " square inches");
        System.out.println("The white area of the side with six dots is: " + sidearea6 + " square inches");
        System.out.println("The total white area of the die is: " + totalarea + " square inches");

