1    /* 
2        Assignment 3, problem 1 (The Messy Desk): this program computes the available area 
3        of the open space on the desk covered with objects. Makes use of NPW functionality 
4     */
6    package shapes;
9    public class WorkArea {
11       public static void main(String[] args) {
12           //Given measurements of objects (in inches)
13           int deskHeight = 24;
14           int deskWidth = 36;
15           double bookWidth = 8.5;
16           int bookHeight = 11;
17           int dinnerPlateRadius = 8;
18           double cupRadius = 1.35;
20           //"Objects to think with"
21           SRectangle desk = new SRectangle(deskHeight, deskWidth);
22           SRectangle book = new SRectangle(bookHeight, bookWidth);
23           SCircle plate = new SCircle(dinnerPlateRadius);
24           SCircle cup = new SCircle(cupRadius);
25           SSquare coaster = cup.inscribingSquare();
27           //Calculating the area of the desk
28           double deskArea = (desk.area());
29           System.out.println("Desk area = " + deskArea);
31           //Calculating the area of the objects on the desk
32           double booksArea = (book.area() * 2);    //Two books
33           double dinnerPlatesArea = (plate.area() * 3);   //Three dinner plates
34           double coastersArea = (coaster.area() * 3);     //Three coasters
35           double objectsTotalArea = (booksArea + dinnerPlatesArea + coastersArea);
36           System.out.println("collective area of objects = " + objectsTotalArea);
38           //Desk area available for work to be done
39           double openDeskArea = (deskArea - objectsTotalArea);
40           System.out.println("Area of open work space = " + openDeskArea);
41       }
42   }