CS1 Standard Demo Page

The following text was written to the standard output stream when the StreamArrayListProcessing.java program was executed from IntelliJ.

First names:  Billie  Camille  Pablo  Akseli  Osvaldo  John  Dante 
First names:  Billie,  Camille,  Pablo,  Akseli,  Osvaldo,  John,  Dante
Last names: Holiday, Claudel, Picasso, Gallen-Kallela, Zotto, Lennon, Alighieri
Uppercase first names:  BILLIE,  CAMILLE,  PABLO,  AKSELI,  OSVALDO,  JOHN,  DANTE
all hyphenated last names: Gallen-Kallela
Total length: 109
the length of the first names: 47
the product of the length of all first names: 564480