 * The Pitch class models the pitch of a note in a manner that will facilitate 
 * the chromesthetic processing of the pitch. A Pitch object will have five 
 * properties: 
 * - String name | ABC notation pitch name 
 * - SPainter painter | the painting agent 
 * - Note note | a note that will be set to the pitch corresponding to the133 
 * ABC notation pitch name 
 * - SRectangle box | an SRectangle object that will chromesthetically 
 * represent the pitch 
 * - Color color | the color associated with the pitch for the presumed 
 * chromesthete 
package chromesthesia0;
import java.awt.Color;
import note.SNote;
import painter.SPainter;
import shapes.SRectangle;
public class Pitch {
    private String abcName;
    private SPainter painter;
    private SRectangle box;
    private SNote note;
    private Color color;
    public Pitch(String abcName, SPainter painter) {
        this.abcName = abcName;
        this.painter = painter;
        this.box = new SRectangle(painter.painterHeight-50,painter.painterWidth-50);
        this.note = createNoteForThisPitch(abcName);
        this.color = getPitchClassColor(abcName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase());
    public String toString() {
        return "[ " + abcName + " | " + note.degree() + " | " + color + " ]";
    public String abcName() {
        return abcName;
    private SNote createNoteForThisPitch(String abcPitchClassName) {
        SNote note = new SNote();
        if ( abcPitchClassName.equals("C") ) {
            // nothing to do
        }else if ( abcPitchClassName.equals("C,") ) {note.lp(7);
            else if ( abcPitchClassName.equals("c") ) {note.rp(7);
            else if ( abcPitchClassName.equals("D") ) {note.rp(1);
            else if ( abcPitchClassName.equals("D,") ) {note.lp(6);
            else if ( abcPitchClassName.equals("d") ) {note.rp(8);
            else if ( abcPitchClassName.equals("E") ) {note.rp(2);
            else if ( abcPitchClassName.equals("E,") ) {note.lp(5);
            else if ( abcPitchClassName.equals("e") ) {note.rp(9);
            return note
        private Color getPitchClassColor(String letter) {
            if ( letter.equals("C") ) {return Color.BLUE;
            else if ( letter.equals("D") ) {return Color.GREEN;
            else if ( letter.equals("E") ) {return new Color(127,0,127);
            else {return Color.BLACK;
        public void play(String d){
            if ( d.equals("1") ) {note.play();
        private static Color randomColor() {
            int rv = (int)(Math.random()*256)
                    ;int gv = (int)(Math.random()*256);
            int bv = (int)(Math.random()*256);
            return new Color(rv,gv,bv);