package people;

// Yo so this class os going to be defining a person, it it's self has no runnable code
//it'll model a person using 5 property : first name, last name, month, day, year of birth.

public class person implements PersonSpecification {

    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private Integer birthMonth;
    private Integer birthDay;
    private Integer birthYear;

    public person(String name, int month, int day, int year){
        firstName = name.substring(0,name.indexOf(" "));
        lastName = name.substring(name.indexOf(" ")+1);
        birthDay = day;
        birthMonth = month;
        birthYear = year;

    public String toString(){
        String who = firstName+" " + lastName+", born "+birthMonth+"/"+birthDay+"/"+birthYear;
        return who;

    public String firstName() {
        return firstName;

    public String lastname() {
        return lastName;

    public int month() {
        return birthMonth;

    public int day() {
        return birthDay;

    public int year() {
        return birthYear;

    public String initials() {
        String initials = firstName.substring(0,1) + lastName.substring(0,1);
        return initials.toUpperCase();

    public boolean isBoomer() {
        boolean boomer = birthYear >= 1944 & birthYear <= 1964 ;
        return boomer;