1    /* 
2     *program to display the area of the desk which is not obscured by any object 
3     */
5    package shapes;
7    public class WorkArea {
8        public static void main (String [] args){
10           //Create five “objects to think with” from the NPW, one for the desk, one for a book, one for a plate, one for a glass, and one for a coaster.
14           double HeightofDesk = (24.0);
15           System.out.println("Height Of Desk = " + HeightofDesk);
16           double WidthofDesk = (36.0);
17           System.out.println("Width of Desk = " + WidthofDesk);
18           SRectangle desk = new SRectangle(HeightofDesk,WidthofDesk);
19           double AreaofDesk = (desk.area());
20           System.out.println("Area of Desk = " +AreaofDesk);
21           double HeightofBook = (8.5);
22           System.out.println("Height of Book = " +HeightofBook);
23           double WidthofBook= (11);
24           System.out.println("Width of Book = " +WidthofBook);
25           SRectangle book = new SRectangle(HeightofBook,WidthofBook);
26           book.expand(0,WidthofBook);
27           double AreaofBook = book.area();
28           System.out.println("Area of All Book = " +AreaofBook);
29           double RadiusofGlass = (1.35);
30           System.out.println("Radius of Glass = " + RadiusofGlass);
31           SCircle glass = new SCircle(RadiusofGlass);
32           double AreaofGlass = glass.area();
33           System.out.println("Area of Glass = " +AreaofGlass);
34           SSquare coaster = glass.circumscribingSquare();
35           double AreaofCoaster = coaster.area();
36           System.out.println("Area of a Coaster = " +AreaofCoaster);
37           double RadiusofPlate = (8);
38           System.out.println("Radius of Dinner Plate = " +RadiusofPlate);
39           SCircle plate = new SCircle(RadiusofPlate);
40           double AreaofPlate = plate.area();
41           System.out.println("Area of a Dinner Plate = " +AreaofPlate);
42           //Introduce a variable for each of the given measurements, and bind these variables to the measurements
43           double TotalOccupiedArea = ((AreaofBook)+(AreaofCoaster*3.0)+(AreaofPlate*3.0));
44           System.out.println("The Collective Area of the Objects on the Desk = " +TotalOccupiedArea);
45           double FreeAreaofDesk = (AreaofDesk-TotalOccupiedArea);
46           System.out.println("The Result – (the Area of the Desk not obscured by the objects which sit on top of it) = " +FreeAreaofDesk);
48       }
51       }