- My Web Page
This link will take you back to my homepage.
- Base Number Systems
This page will explain the uses of ASCII characters.
Metadata Experiment:
The two links below are about my experiment on metadata. Metadata is data about data
which can include a significant amount of information. Metadata can range from files such as Word Documents and PowerPoints to
JPG images and mp3 files.
When it comes to metadata, it also has EXIF data that is attached to it.
EXIF is an acronymn for EXchangeable Image Files. This can include GPS information so specific
that it will include the latitude and longitude of your location. The experiment that I conducted
was to see which phone carrier has the more precise GPS location by using the same phone. The link "Metadata Experiment"
provides more information on it.
- Metadata Experiment
This page will open a PDF file of my metadata Experiment.
- Metadata Question & Answers
This page you will take you to a question and answer PDF file.
Nutrition Assignment
The two links below are on an assingment on Nutrition. I practiced using Microsoft Excel for organizing data from different catergorys based
on the food groups. I learned how to format cells, add charts, even create formulas in order to obtain a result that I was looking for. I learned how
to add color to the categories so that way that they are more pleasing to the eye of the viewer and easier to read. The two links below have the files
that are for the viewer to see. The first link contains an Excel and the second link is the PDF file.
- Nutrition (Excel File)
This link will download an Excel file in which you are able to look at the formulas that were used to calculate the data.
- Nutrition (PDF File)
This link will open a PDF file of the Excel file that is displayed above.
Spreadsheets Project
The two links below are on an an assignment that was about learning how to use Excel. I obtained data on the gas prices that are located around the
Rochester Region. The Excel document provided below shows the cheapest and the most expensive gas prices within the area. The prices that are listed under the green coloring
are the cheaper prices and the ones in the red are the most expensive. The black divider that you seen does not contain information but it is used to seperate the prices. The first link below is the Excel
document and the second link below explains the assignment in more detail.
- Excel Spreadsheet
This will download a file of my Excel spreadsheet on gas prices in the Rochester, NY region.
- Spreadsheets Project
This link will open a PDF File that describes the assignment. Included within this is a hyperlink to my spreadsheet on gas prices in the Rochester, NY region.
Entity-Relationship Diagrams
The link below will download a file made in Microsoft Access. Using Access, I learned about Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagrams and how they work with primary keys and foreign keys.
ER Diagrams are defined as a graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each other and they are typically used in computing for the organization of data. A primary key is a type of relational database table columndesignated to uniquely identify all the table records.
A foreign key is a link created between two tables when the column or columns that hold the primary key value for one table are reference by the column(s) in anohter table.
- Entity-Relationship Diagrams
This will download the Entity-Relationship database that I created in Microsoft Access.
- Dream Homes Access Database
This will download the Dream Homes database that I created in Microsoft Access.
The relationships found in this project are shown below (Everything in quotes denote the table that it resides in):
1. Each "Branch" has one or more properties.
2. Each "Branch" has one more clients that are "registered".
3. Each "Branch" has one of more "staff members".
4. Each "Staff" member has one or more "registered clients".
5. Each "Staff" member has one or more "properties for rent".
6. Each "Propterty for Rent" has one more "Viewings".
7. Each "Client" may only "register" one time.
8. Each "Client" may "view" one or more things.
9. Each "Private Owner" has one or more "propterties to rent".
Database Project
- Database Project on Airplanes
This link will open a PDF file that describes the assignment. Included within this is a hyperlink to my Access Database on airplanes.
1. An "Airplane" has many seats. One to Many Relationship.
2. Each "seat" is occupied by one "passenger." One to Many Relationship.
3. A "Crew" member can work on multple "flights" and a "flight" can have multople "Crew" members. Many to Many Relationship