CS1 Standard Demo Page

The following text was written to the standard output stream when the /* *Explore arithmetic expressions */ package expressions; public class ExpressionsThing { public static void main(String [] args) { double one = 3.14 * 5 + 5; System.out.println("one = " + one); double two = 3.14 * ( 5 + 5 ); System.out.println("two = " + two); double three = ( 3.14 * ( 5 + 5 ) ); System.out.println("three = " + three); double four = (2*3); System.out.println("four = " + four); double five = ((55/2) + .5); System.out.println("five = " + five); double six = ((65 / 1/3) + .45); System.out.println("six = " + six ); double seven = (((55/2) + .5) + ((65 / 1/3) + .45)); System.out.println("seven = " + seven ); double eight = (3.14 * (11.3 * 11.3)); System.out.println("eight = " + eight); double nine = (27.7 * 27.7); System.out.println("nine = " + nine); double ten = (11.3 * 27.7); System.out.println("ten = " + ten); double eleven = (.17 * 243.5); System.out.println("eleven = " + eleven); double twelve = (3/3); System.out.println("twelve = " + twelve); double thirteen = (7-4-2); System.out.println("thirteen = " + thirteen); double fourteen = (9-7+-1); System.out.println("fourteen = " + fourteen); double fifteen = (((8-6) + 4) - 2/2); System.out.println("fifteen = " + fifteen); } } program was executed from IntelliJ.

square = 
area of square = 160000.0
perimeter of square = 1600.0
diagonal of square = 565.685424949238
disk = 
area of disk = 125663.70614359173
perimeter of disk = 1256.6370614359173
diamond = 
area of diamond = 80000.0