Assignment 6 (Due December 11th 1996)

CSC 101

50 Points

Rameen Mohammadi

part #1 -

Here you will create a spreadsheet in Lotus 1-2-3 version 4.0 that will ennable you to keep track of your progress in our course. Here is the information that you need to keep.

    Labs                                         Quizzes
    ----                                         -------
Lab#      Max   Actual                   Quiz#      Max      Actual		
1         25     xx                      1          10       xx
2         25     xx                      2          10       xx
3         25     xx                      3          12       xx
.          .      .                      .           .       .
.          .      .                      .           .       .
.          .      .                      Total      ??       ??
.          .      .
12         .      .
Total    xxx    xxx

    Exams                                        Assignments
    ----                                         -----------
Exam#     Max   Actual                   Assign#      Max      Actual		
1         100     xxx                      1          30       xx
2         100     xxx                      2          60       xx
Total     xxx     xxx                      3          45       xx
                                           4          45       xx
                                           5          50       xx

Over All Percentage: xx.x%
Letter Grade:        xx

Over All Percentage

The formula that yields your current over all percentage is as follows, obviously, you need to reference the correct cell numbers for the totals to implement this formula correctly:

       +((Lab Actual Total / Lab Max Total)*.3) +  
	((Quiz Actual Total / Quiz Max Total)*.10) +  
	((Exam Actual Total / Exam Max Total)*.3) +  
	((Assignment Actual Total / Assignment Max Total)*.3)  

Letter Grade

To produce a letter grade for yourself, you need an @if function. The following table provides you with the categories:

Over All Percentage   Letter Grade       Over All Percentage   Letter Grade
>=.93                 A                  >=.77                 C+
>=.90                 A-                 >=.73                 C
>=.87                 B+                 >=.70                 C-
>=.83                 B                  >=.67                 D+
>=.80                 B-                 >=.63                 D
                                         >=.60                 D-
                                         Otherwise             E

The following is just an example for how you formulate an @if. Note that the example shown below only shows 3 categories of grades, you MUST implement all categories.


*** produce two printouts, one with all formula results and one with formulas as text. Important: Lotus does not have a Show Formulas option like what exists in Works. However, highlighting all formula cells and changing their Style to text would accomplish the same thing. There is a problem, however, in that you can't easyly change it back. I suggest that you save your spreadsheet before converting the style for the formula cells to text and once you convert them to text and print the spreadsheet, do not save the spreadsheet so that the style change does not become permanent. Be sure to widen the columns enough so that most of each formula is shown when you are printing the version with formulas.

part 2 -

Create a bar chart that would demonstrate where you stand in each of the categories of our course--Quizzes, Exams, Assignments, and Labs.

All information must be on one chart. In order to create this chart correctly, the total cells for maxs and actuals or their corresponding labels must each form a series (i.e. they must be in consecutive cells). To do this, you need a series of cells containing the labels: Quizzes, Exams, and so on, somewhere below the letter grade cell. You also need two other series of cells; one would contain references to cells that hold the max totals for Quizzes, Exams and so on, the other would hold the actual totals for each of the categories. Print a version of these series with the values and one with the cells as text to show the references. Before issuing each Print, highlight the series created here and Only print these series.

the graph is then created based on the information in the three series. Legends, labels and titles count toward your grade. There should be exactly eight bars with the max and actual bars for each category adjacent to each other for clearity. Print your chart only. Here is what your chart should look like: