CSC101 - Tools of Computing

Instructor: Rameen Mohammadi
Office Hours: M,W,F(10:30 - 11:30), M,W (2-3), and by appointment
Office: 112 Snygg
Phone: 341-2689 (office) 564-5911 (home)

Course Description:

This general education introductory course is designed for non-majors who wish to understand how computers work and are used. The course centers on assignments using single-user applications with pre-packaged microcomputer software. No previous knowledge is assumed. This course fulfills the general education requirement in Mathematics/Computation.

Course Objectives:

Text: H.L. Capron, "Essentials of Computing", Latest Edition, Benjamin/Cumming.

Evaluation and Grading: Quizzes 10% || Two Exams + Final 30% || Labs 30% || Assignments 30%

At the end of the semester, a percentage of the total points earned will be determined for each student. These percentages will be converted to letter grades as follows:
      93 or above-->A || 89 or above-->A-|| 86 or above-->B+|| 83 or above-->B
      79 or above-->B-|| 76 or above-->C+|| 73 or above-->C || 69 or above-->C-
      66 or above-->D+|| 63 or above-->D || 59 or above-->D-|| Below 59-->E


Fall OF 1996 Course/Lab Outline


Lecture Topic                                           Lecture#    Reading

Intro, Unix,Pine                                        1-2         Chpt 1	

More Intro, gopher,tin,pico,netscape                    3-4         Chpt 2	

CPU, Intro to Windows+Word-processing                   5-6         Chpt 3

Input/Output, More on Word-processing                   7-8         Chpt 4

Secondary Storage,Graphics Document Generation          9-10        Chpt 5

Networks, Intro to Spreadsheets                         11-12       Chpt 6

Programming & Lang, More on Spreadsheets+Charting       13-14       Chpt 7

Operating Systems, Intro. to Databases                  15-16       Chpt 8

Computers on the job, more on Databases                 17          Chpt 9	

Security, Privacy, and Ethics                           18-20       Chpt 10

Computers on the cutting edge                           21-22       Chpt11

Other issues                                            23-25       Appendix

Lab#    Title of Lab Unit  
-----   ------------------   
1       Introduction to Unix, and Pine   

2       Pico, Gopher, Netscape
3       Introduction to Windows and Basics of Word Processing

4       Microsoft Works Word Processor

5       Document Processing in Microsoft Works

6       Introduction to Spreadsheets

7       Managing Your Spreadsheets

8       Charting and Incorporating Graphs in Documents

9       Introduction to Databases

10      Advanced Database Tools in Microsoft Works

11      Introduction to Lotus 1-2-3

12      Advanced features of Lotus 1-2-3

Fall OF 1996 Lab Sections


               Section #  Day   Time           Room#        Building

               L50        WED   9:10-10:05     45           Swetman
               L51        FRI   9:10-10:05     45           Swetman
               L52        WED   10:20-11:15    322          Snygg
               L53        FRI   10:20-11:15    322          Snygg
               L54        WED   1:50- 2:45     322          Snygg
               L55        FRI   11:30-12:25    322          Snygg
               L56        TUE   9:35-10:30     322          Snygg
               L57        THU   11:10-12:05    322          Snygg
               L58        TUE   4:00- 4:55     322          Snygg
               L59        THU   2:20- 3:15     322          Snygg

Important Notes About Labs:



Rameen Mohammadi


                       9/ 4  # 1	  		  		

 9/ 9  # 2             9/11  # 3	  		  		
Lab #1 This Week

 9/16  # 4             9/18  # 5                   9/20 Assignment #1-	
Lab #2 This Week                                        Part #2 Due
Assignment#1, Part #1 Due

 9/23  N/C   9/24 #6   9/25  # 7	  		  		
Lab #3 This Week

 9/30  # 8            10/ 2  # 9	  		  		
Lab #4 This Week

10/ 7  Exam #1        10/ 9  #10	  		  		
Lab #5 This Week

10/14  #11            10/16  #12	  		  		
Lab #6 This Week
Assignment #2 Due
10/21  #13            10/23  #14	  		  		
Lab #7 This Week

10/28  #15            10/30  #16	  		  		
Lab #8 This Week
Assignment #3 Due

11/ 4  #17            11/ 6  #18	  		  		
Lab #9 This Week

11/11  Exam #2        11/13  #19	  		  		
Lab #10 This Week
Assignment #4

11/18  #20            11/20  #21	  		  		
Lab #11 This Week

11/25  #22            11/27  N/C	  		  		
Assignment #5

12/ 2  #23            12/ 4  #24	  		  		
Lab #12 This Week

12/ 9  #25            12/11  #26	  		  		
Assignment #6
                                      Final on Thursday 12/19 at 8:00 am