Fall OF 1998 CSC101 Lab Sections

Coordinator: Rameen Mohammadi

Office Hours: by appointment
Office: 145 Snygg
Phone: 315-341-2367
Fax: 315-341-5424
Email: mohammad@oswego.edu
URL: http://www.cs.oswego.edu/~mohammad

L50 Mon 8:00 322-Snygg Faucher,Moore
L51 Wed 8:00 322-Snygg Faucher,Yeung
L52 Fri 8:00 322-Snygg Faucher,Fischer
L53 Mon 9:10 322-Snygg Beers,Moore
L54 Wed 9:10 322-Snygg Beers,Joseph
L55 Fri 9:10 322-Snygg Beers,Joseph
L56 Mon 10:20 322-Snygg Moore,Faucher
L57 Wed 10:20 322-Snygg Goldzweig,Moore
L58 Fri 10:20 322-Snygg Goldzweig,Pogorzelski
L59 Mon 1:50 322-Snygg Yeung,Tillotson
L60 Wed 1:50 322-Snygg Yeung,Tillotson
L61 Fri 1:50 322-Snygg Yeung,Tillotson
L62 Tue 9:35 322-Snygg McLaughlin,Joseph
L63 Thu 9:35 322-Snygg Joseph,Fischer
L64 Tue 11:10 322-Snygg Fischer,Goldzweig
L65 Thu 11:10 322-Snygg Fischer,Goldzweig
L66 Tue 5:00 322-Snygg McLaughlin,Pogorzelski
L67 Thu 5:00 322-Snygg McLaughlin,Pogorzelski
L68 Tue 6:00 322-Snygg McLaughlin,Beers
L69 Thur 6:00 322-Snygg Pogorzelski,Tillotson

Fall OF 1998 Lab Outline


Lab#    Title of Lab Unit                                      
-----   ------------------                                     
1       Introduction to Unix, and Pine                         

2       Pico, HTML, Netscape                                   
3       Introduction to Windows, Word, and Mulberry 

4       Document Processing in Word & more on Mulberry                         

5       Advanced Document Processing

6       Introduction to Spreadsheets                             

7       Managing Your Spreadsheets in Excel'97                            

8       Charting and Incorporating Graphs in Documents in Excel'97          

9       Introduction to Databases                                

10      Advanced Database Tools in Access'97                                 

11      Introduction to Presentation Tools

12      Developing Presentation in Powerpoint'97

Lab Grading/Attendance:

All students in CSC101 must be signed up for a lab section. 30 percent of your total grade for the course will be determined by your performance in the labs. Students are expected to complete all 12 lab modules.

Attend your own lab time and don't miss your lab

  1. On-time completion of each module will earn you 25 points.

  2. If you are unable to complete a lab module during lab time, you will be credited with 12 points.

  3. You may complete an incomplete lab module at a later date and show the results to your lab instructor during the following week's lab period only. You will receive the remaining 13 points when the module is marked as complete. No additional points are awarded if the module is not completed a week after being given.

What happens if you miss a week?

  1. You will be penalized for not showing up to your lab period and will only earn 20 points for that lab module if you complete it the next week.

  2. The next week's lab period is the absolute deadline for starting a module, you will receive a zero for it after that.

  3. A late lab that is not completed during a lab period will earn you 10 points, you may complete the lab at a later date and show the results to your lab instructor during the following week's lab period only, you will receive the remaining 10 points at that time, no additional points will be awarded if the module is not completed at that time.

Can you attend a lab period other than the one that you have registered for?

You are expected to only attend the lab period that you have registered for, however, under some circumstances with a written permission from your course instructor (not the lab instructor), you may attend another lab period. Keep in mind that all lab periods are filled to capacity, any extra bodies will cause unnecessary stress to all students attending it, avoid requesting a switch when possible.

Important calendar information:

  1. There will be no Labs during the first week of classes.

  2. Monday, September 7th,
    Monday, September 21st,
    Wednesday, September 30th,
    Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, November 25th through the 27th
    are holidays and there will be no labs on those days.

  3. Tuesday, September 22nd is supposed to be a Wednesday schedule, thus during that week, students in Wednesday labs will attend labs on two days and will do two separate modules. Students on Tuesday labs won't attend lab that week.

  4. Keep in mind that all of these days off and the day switch mean that not all lab sessions will progress at the same rate, but, all students will complete the 12 lab modules scheduled during the semester. Once your have completed the 12 lab modules, your attendance will become optional, you may continue to attend and seek help on assignments.