LAB #9
CSC 101
Introduction to Databases
R Mohammadi
Using Microsoft Access, learn to...
create a database and store data in it.
update the data and database structure.
About this lab...
A Database in Microsoft Access is a collection of tables, with each table built from rows and columns. Microsoft Access also provides us with tools to query databases, report on their content, and build forms for data entry. For example, the database that we'll create today only has one table representing students and their grades. Each student in this database is represented with a record or row and the fields or columns for each record are the student name, GradeA, GradeB, and GradeC. Fields may contain text data such as the student name field; they could contain numeric data such as the field GradeA. You will see the use calculated fields such as a Total and Average in the next lab.
1. Learn to create a database, build a table, and mange records with Microsoft Office Starts Here.
2. Starting Microsoft Access.
Start Microsoft Access by clicking on Start, clicking on Programs, and then clicking Microsoft
3. Create a Student Database.
4. Create a Table.
5. Enter data.
6.Update Data Records.
7. Update Table Structure.
8. Save changes and logout.
a. Click on to save your changes and show your work to the lab instructor.
b. Close your Access window and logout of the workstation.