LAB #12

CSC 101

Presentation Development in Powerpoint'97

R Mohammadi




Using Microsoft PowerPoint, learn...

To develop a more elaborate presentation with animation.

Additional features in presentation software.

To create graphic objects and incorporate them in presentations.

To move objects between applications.


About this lab...

You will create a snapshot of the screen, cut a portion of the image saved and incorporate it into a presentation. You will also learn additional tools needed for making a professional presentation. You will need your 3.5" disk with lab11 in order to do this lab.


1. Start Microsoft PowerPoint.

Start Microsoft PowerPoint by clicking on Start, clicking on Programs, and then clicking Microsoft PowerPoint. A PowerPoint window should be on your screen.


2. Open the lab11.

    1. When you start up PowerPoint, an initial dialog box pops up, select Open an Existing Presentation and Click OK.

    3. Open window will pop up, Change the Look In to 3 ½" Floppy (A:).

    5. Double-click on lab11 to open it.


3. Check spelling.

  1. In the Tools pull-down menu select Spelling. Correct any spelling mistakes.
  2. Add date & time stamp and numbers to slides.

                1. In the View pull-down menu select Header and Footer.

                3. Select the Slide tab and choose date and time automatic update, slide number, and footer, then select apply to all.

                5. Run the slide show to see how it works


4. Add animation

You can set text to appear by the letter, a word, or a paragraph. You can have characters and images appear in succession in a slide.


                1. Make sure you are in the slide view with slide 1 on the screen.

                3. Make the Super Job Search Seminar appear with the laser text effect .


      1. Select the title of slide #1 by clicking on it.

      3. Click on the Animation effect button in the tool bar.
      4. Pick the laser text effect animation in the Animation effect popup window. (you will see animation when you change view to the slide show)


                1. Select the body of this slide and apply typewriter text effect animation.

                3. Run the slide show. Hit space bar to animate. You might want to have your headphones on to hear the simulated sound effects.


  1. Create snapshot and insert it into the presentation

You will visit a specified web site, take a snapshot of the screen, and copy a portion into you presentation.


    1. Minimize your PowerPoint window.

    3. Start Netscape.

    5. Type the following in the Location: field you see a November calendar of events page in the Netscape window.

    7. Press the Print Screen/SysRq on the upper right side of the keyboard; this takes a snapshot of the screen. although you don't see any reaction on the screen, the screen content is now copied

    9. Minimize your Netscape window.

    11. Start the Paint program. You get to Paint by clicking Start, then Programs, and Accessories. You should now have a Paint program window open.

    13. Pick Paste from the Edit pull-down menu. This should paste the screen dump that we made earlier onto the drawing area of the Paint program. Choose YES if a dialog box with the following question pops up: "The image in the clipboard is larger than the bitmap. Would you like the bitmap enlarged?


    15. Choose select, by clicking on its button in the Toolbox menu on the left of the window.

    17. Start at the upper left corner of the calendar of events table and select it by pressing and dragging the mouse until it is selected. A dash rectangle should have enclosed the table.

    19. In the Edit pull-down menu pick Copy To. A Copy To window should pop up.

    21. Type calendar for File name, and pick your 3 ½ Floppy (A:) in Save In

    23. Close the Paint program.

    25. Click on the PowerPoint Button at the bottom of your screen to reopen it.

    27. Pick New Slide from the Insert pull-down menu.

    29. Choose the title only slide, on the bottom right and second to last among the template options and click OK

    31. Type Big Things are Going On in November for the Title.

    33. In the Insert pull-down menu pick Picture from files and open the calendar file saved earlier.


  1. Adding automatic Transition.
                1. Choose slide transition in the Slide View pull-down menu.

                3. Choose automatically after and type 2 for the number of seconds.

                5. Select apply to all


7. Save Your Presentation.


Save this presentation as LAB12 on your 3 ½" Floppy (A:). You have now completed the lab. Be sure to have the lab instructor check your work and logout of the workstation.