LAB #3

CSC 101

Introduction to Windows, Word, and Mulberry

R Mohammadi




Learn about ...

the Microsoft Windows environment,

basic word processing in Microsoft Word, and

mailing your documents with Mulberry


About this lab ...

You must not store anything on the hard disk of the PCs in the labs. Always have a 3.5" disk with you when you come to the lab. Skip the steps for formatting your disk if it is already formatted.


You will become familiar with working in windows and begin to learn about MS Office Suite by creating a simple word-processing file is Word’97.


Students often ask how they can mail their documents to others. It used to be a fairly technical venture, but with the advent of programs like Mulberry on personal computers it is a very simple task now. Our lab will end with you sending a copy of the Word document that you create to one of the students next to you.


Good luck.



1. Formatting Your Disk

You can only save files on a 3.5" disk that is formatted. So, remember that you only do this if you have a data disk that needs to be formatted. Do not do this step, if you already used the disk and have files on it.


    1. On most computers, the 3.5" disk drive is Drive A. Insert your disk in to the drive.
    2. Double Click on the Start Icon.
    3. Click on Run.
    4. Type format A:
    5. When formatting finishes, you will be asked for a volume label, just hit the Enter key.
    6. You will then be asked, if you want to format another disk, type n.
    7. close the window by clicking on the X in its upper right hand corner.


2. Word’97

Most of the labs from this point on will require the use of Microsoft Office tools. We will use Word’97 for all of our Word Processing applications and will later learn to use Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. In this lab and most subsequent labs you will first use Microsoft Office Starts Here software to get acquainted with the Office suite tools. Microsoft Office Starts Here is a very nice interactive training tool; its CD is bundled with your book, so you can use it at any time.


a. Learn the basics with Microsoft Office Starts Here.


      1. Place your CD for Microsoft Office Starts Here in your CD-ROM Drive. Click the Quit button if a dialog box comes up to auto-start the software.
      2. Start Microsoft Office Starts Here by clicking the Icon on your desktop.

      4. You will encounter several dialog boxes cancel them until you only have the main window for the software up. It is ok if your progress is not saved at this point.

      6. Choose the Basics by clicking on it.
      7. on the left hand side of the Window under Sections, pick

      9. Click on the first lesson Create a Document Button in the middle of the window.

      11. All Lessons have a clip associated with them, I don’t find them useful, but go ahead and click on the view Introduction button to see the clip on Create a Document, you may want to have your headphones on when you run this clip.

      13. Start lesson by clicking the button for it.

      15. You should now see the Create a Document lesson control dialog box. You control the lesson via the arrow keys on the lower right side of the dialog box. The right arrow moves you forward through the lesson, and the left arrow moves you back.
      16. Click on the right arrow to get started. Be sure to finish both phases of this lesson, once you finish the second phase that teaches you about the use of Templates, you will return to the main page for Microsoft Office Starts Here.

      18. Take Quiz by clicking on its button. Be sure to let your lab instructor see the results before you continue.

      20. Close the window by clicking on the X in its upper right hand corner.


    1. Start Microsoft Word, by Clicking on Start, Clicking on Programs, and point/click Microsoft Word. A Word window should be on your screen.
    2. Click on the New Button
    3. Type the following in the blank document window:

      Had I but died an hour before this chance,

      I had lived a blessed time; for, from this instant,

      There’s nothing serious in mortality:

      All is but toys; renown and grace is dead;

      The wine of life is drawn, and the mere lees

      Is left this vault to brag of.

      -MACBETH, Act II, Scene III



    5. Point/Click File again and choose Print.... You should see a dialog box for print, just click on Cancel. We really don't want to print anything.
    6. Point/Click File on the menu bar. Point/Click the save as ... item.
    7. Name the file lab3
    8. In the Save In list box locate and highlight the A Drive:

    10. Click the Save button. You should now have a file named lab3.doc on your 3.5" disk. Be sure to show your lab instructor that you have completed this part.
    11. Close the window by clicking on the X in its upper right hand corner.


3. Mulberry.

    1. Start Mulberry, by Clicking on Start, Clicking on Programs, and point/click Mulberry.

    3. You must login with Mulberry using your ICC username/password.

    5. Point/Click File and choose New Message.

    7. Enter the email address of the person next to you for TO:

    9. Choose Attach by clicking its button:

    11. In the Look In list box locate and highlight the A Drive:

    13. choose lab3, the file that we made earlier

    15. Click on Open. This does not actually open the file; it simply attaches the file to your mail document.

    17. Click one the send button

    19. In a few moments the student next to you should have your message. Your lab is complete.