Assignment #3 C S C 1 0 1 - 8 3 0 45 Points

Mohammadi Due Date: 8/4/99


Part #1 - 30 Points

You are to create your resume in MS-Word. Your resume should show your mastery over document formatting - bold, italics, underlining, font styles and sizes, justification, spacing, margins. Feel free to make the content of your resume as expansive of your current or desired talents, the work you submit will be judged on FORM and not specific content.



Part #2 - 15 Points

Create an advertisement with MS-Word for something that you wish to sell, if you have nothing that you want to sell, make something up. You must use Paint, or PhotoShop to create a drawing and insert it in your advertisement. You will be graded on presentation and the detail and the relevance of the drawing that you make part of your advertisement. Have fun with it.