Assignment #2 C S C 1 0 1 - 8 3 0 60 Points

Mohammadi Due Date: 1/10/2000


There are three separate parts to this assignment. The 1st is about using the resources on the net. The 2nd requires you to update your web page for this course. The 3rd is to reinforce what you have learned about computer hardware. For Part #1 and #3 you must use MS-Word to type your responses. Make sure that your printouts are clearly marked with your name.


Part #1 - Searching for information via the Internet (20 Pts.)

Use WWW to answer the following questions. Type up the answers along with a short description of where you found each answer and how (i.e. what was the URL of the page with the information, what search engine, if any, you used and what was the process that you followed in each case to find the page). One or two printed pages will be generated in response to this part. Be sure to include the questions when answering them.


    1. What is my official title at SUNY Oswego?
    2. When is the library open on the weekends?
    3. How late is the ICC lab in Snygg open on Mondays and Wednesdays?
    4. What is the address of the homepage the school that a friend of yours is attending?
    5. Find one of your Oswego friend's email address, local address and phone number.
    6. Find information regarding Sesame Street? Print this page.
    7. What are the names of your representatives in the Federal Government (i.e. Congress: Senators, House of Representatives)? Do they have any information available on the Internet?
    8. What is the most recent estimated resident population in the United State by the U.S. census bureau? What was the date for this estimation?


Part #2 - Updating your webpage (20 Pts.)


Add one additional image and a Favorite link section with at least 3 links of interest to your webpage. In order to add a new image you will need to follow the instruction from lab#3 to scan the image in, FTP the image to Rocky, make the image file public, and add the appropriate tag to your 101.html page. Add a favorite links section at the bottom of your 101 page with at least three links in it. I will load your web page to grade it; nothing needs to be turned in this case.


Part #3 - Hardware (20 Pts.)


Part #3.1 Locate an Apple Macintosh computer in the ICC Swetman Lab.


  1. Login to the Mac using the same username and password you use to login to rocky.
  2. Locate the Apple in the very top left corner of the desktop.
  3. Select the application called "Apple System Profiler".
  4. Under the Select menu, select "System Overview".
  5. Gather the following information:
    1. What is the model of this Apple Macintosh computer?
    2. What type of CPU does this machine have?
    3. What is the clock speed of this CPU?
    4. How much memory is installed on this machine (NOT total memory)?
    5. How much virtual memory does this machine have?
  6. Under the Select menu, select "Volume Information".
  7. Gather the following information:
    1. What size hard drive is installed in this machine?
    2. How much disk space is currently being consumed?
  8. Select Quit under the File Menu
  9. Logoff the Mac by selecting Logout under the Special Menu.


Part 3.2-- Base your answers to the questions in this part of the assignment on the following information:


    1. Are these computers Apple Macintosh computers or IBM-compatible PCs? Why?
    2. Which computer is faster (#1 or #2)? Why?
    3. Which machine is able to store more files (#1 or #2)? Why?
    4. Which machine is able to keep more applications in memory? Why?