CSC 241- Exam 3        Name:

1. Describe the general strategy for the two O(n log n) sorting algorithms (quickSort and mergeSort). 

2. Identify the characteristics of a binary search tree. 

3. Consider the following Binary Search Tree:

                                   /    \
                                  /      \
                                43        76
                               /  \      /  \
                             12    55  70    90
Also, consider the following declaration of treeNode:
   class treeNode {
       Keyed element_;
       treeNode left_;
       treeNode right_;
       treeNode (Keyed k, treeNode l, treeNode r) {
a. Insert a 75 into the above tree. No Code, simply redraw the tree with 75.

b. What is in root_.right_.right_.element_?

c. Delete 43 from the original tree shown above. Redraw the complete tree with your changes.

d. Write the method that returns the element with the largest key in a BST.

  public elementType largest (treeNode root) {         
    if (root == null) return null;

e. Write a recursive method that would print all elements of a tree in the ascending order of their keys.
  public void print (treeNode root) {         
    if (root == null) return;

4.How would you print all elements in a hash table?

5.Remember that Tree is a class that implements the interface Set. Here is the definition of Set:

public interface Set {
  public void add(comparable e);
  public void remove(comparable e);
  public comparable find (Comparable e);
  public int size();
  public void dump();
  public comparable[] toArray();
Consider the following wordAndMeaning class that implements the comparable interface:
public class wordAndMeaning implements comparable {
   public String word_;
   public String meaning_;
   public int compareTo (Object e) {return word__.compareTo((wordAndMeaning)e).word_);}
   public String toString() {return "word= " + word_ + " meaing= " + meaning_;}
   public wordAndMeaning (){}
Assume that we already have a Tree object constructed (list_).  Complete a code segment that would ask a user for and read a word and a meaning for the word and creates a wordAndMeaning object.; if this object already exists in list_, delete it first; either way, store it in list_.

  System.out.println("Enter word: ");
  String word=istream.readLine();
  System.out.println("Enter new Meaning: ");
  String meaning=istream.readLine();
  wordAndMeaning w_and_m = new wordAndMeaning();