Rameen Mohammadi
Office Hours: TU,TH (8:25-9:25), M,W (5:45-6:45 PM) and by appointment
Office: 145 Snygg
Phone: 315-341-2367 (office), 315-564-5911 (home)
Fax: 315-341-5424
Email: mohammad@oswego.edu
URL: http://www.cs.oswego.edu/~mohammad
Create an environment where students have ample opportunities to improve their problem solving skills.
Teach about program validation and verification, and analysis of algorithms as a significant part of software design.
Provide an in depth exposure to well known data structures.
Cover Object Oriented Programming by using the existing Java API class hierarchy and creating and extending classes and interfaces in Java.
Section 800: 203 Snygg, MW (7:00-8:20 PM)
Section 810: 127 Snygg, T TH (9:35-10:55)
Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java, Addison Wesley 1998. ISBN 0-201-54991-3
SUN server rocky. For the most part, you will use the workstations in Snygg, rooms 6, 8 and the javaStations in room 103.
Exams 1,2............................. 30% Final Exam............................ 15% Class Participation................... 5% Labs 1-5 ............................. 25% Programs 1-3.......................... 25%