CSC241 - Abstract Data Types & Programming Methodology
Office Hours: MW (4:30-5:30 PM) and by appointment
Office: 112 Snygg
Phone: 315-341-2689 (office), 315-564-5911 (home)
Fax: 315-341-5424
Create an environment where students have ample opportunities to improve their problem solving skills.
Teach about program validation and verification, and analysis
of algorithms as a significant part of software design.
provide an in depth exposure to well known non-persistent data
structures in the context of Java classes and objects.
105 Snygg, M W (5:30 - 8:40)
The Java Programming Language by K. Arnold & J. Goslin,
Addison Wesley, 1996.
Concepts in Data Structures and Software Development by
G. Schneider and S. Bruell. West Publishing,1991.
Computer Facilities:
SUN server rocky. For the most part, you will use the workstations in
Snygg, rooms 6, 8. The terminals in room 103 and the PCs in room 322 Snygg
may occasionally.
Exams 1,2............................. 30%
Final Exam............................ 15%
Participation in class exercises...... 9%
Structured Labs ...................... 6%
Programs 1-4.......................... 40%
- The exams and the final are expected to each take 1.5 hours. We would
typical have lecture and lab work during the first half of class on
a day of an exam. There will be no additional activity on the day of
the final. Exam #1 is scheduled for July 10th, Exam 2 July 24th, and
Final on August 7th.
- Programs are due by mid-night on the date due. Late programs
will be penalized five percent if turned in by the following class,
after that, you will lose ten percent. No programs are accepted two
weeks after the due date. Programs dated two days early will be given a
five percent extra credit. August 9th is the last day where the last
program can be turned in. You must work on your programs individually.
Using another person's program in writing your own is illegal. Giving
your program to another person is also illegal. You will receive
an E in either case.
- This course will not be taught in a typical way, for the most part, I'll
lecture for half of the class and the other half you will either
break up into small groups and work on problems or we will go to the lab
and work on structured lab assignments. I intend to design 6 or so of
such labs for this Summer. As you can see above, you will be graded for
your participation in group work and the structured labs that you