CSC 365- Programming project 0 (Due September 9, 2005)

The goal of this assignment is to revisit some of the programming and data structure concepts learned in CSC241.

Extraterrestrial Messages

Earth has just established contact with the intelligent civilization of planet RASHT. The critical problem facing the team of scientists, engineers, and sociologists is establishing a basis for communication. The RASHTYs have their own language and symbols. Fortunately, their reprsentation system is not too different from our own. The RASHTYs have 20 basic symbols which have a natural ordering like our own alphabet. There have also been series of matches between English and RASHTY words identified. The linguists have encoded the RASHTY symbols as letters of our alphabet (a-t) to facilitate computer analysis of the RASHTY's messages.

What we need immediately is a program that could produce a RASHTY-English dictionary, the ability to update the dictionary, and the ability to translate the messages from RASHTY. We would also like to have an English-RASHTY dictionary as well; but this is not as critical (EXTRA CREDIT).

You are being hired to write the program in Java for this noble task. But, you are not without guidance on this, I happen to have written an Employee Application that you should use as a model. This Employee application initially loads employee records into a Set object from employee file; it then provides the user with a menu of options that let him perform add/update/remove operations on individual employees or perform wholesale operations on them like give pay raises to all of them. This program also regenerates the employee file before exiting; these are all the kinds of things that you need to do in your assignment.

Detailed Program Specifications

Your program begins by loading data from an input file with the following format:

  • On each line, the pairs of English and RASHTY words separated by a space that are identified as an approximate match. The English word will appear first on a line, RASHTY word will appear after.
  • a Sample Data File: a0.dat

    are llaassfo
    did goto
    we eq
    you too
    baby jikerit
    the eht
    is li
    one oen
    well dotoo
    last pnqoo
    not ton
    exactly kokocat

    Your program will then provide our scientists with the following menu:

    1. RASHTY-English dictionary
    2. English-RASHTY dictionary (only if doing EXTRA CREDIT)
    3. Add/Update Word
    4. Translate
    5. Commit Changes/Exit

    Sample output when choice 1 is selected. Note that it is in RASHTY alpha order:

                    RASHTY                  ENGLISH
    		-------                 --------
    		bjikerit		baby 			
    		dotoo			well 			
    		eht			the 			
     		eq			we
     		goto			did
    		il			is 			
    		kokocat			exactly 		
                    llaassfo                are
    		oen			one 			
    		pnqoo			last 			
    		ton			not
    		too			you

    Sample output when choice 2 is selected. Note that it is in English alpha order and the option is only provided if you are doing the extra credit:

                    ENGLISH                 RASHTY
    		-------                 --------
     		are 			llaassfo
    		baby 			jikerit
    		did 			goto
    		exactly 		kokocat
    		is 			li
    		last 			pnqoo
    		not 			ton
    		one 			oen
    		the 			eht
    		we 			eq
    		well 			dotoo
    		you 			too

    When choice 3 is selected, we prompt for and store a RASHTY/English pair. Both words must be validated for correctness, a-z for English and a-t for RASHTY. Also, we have been assured by the scientists that RASHTY words would only have one translation; thus, if a RASHTY word is entered here that already exists amongst our stored words, we replace its English translation with the new one entered; otherwise, we add the pair to our dictionary. Here is a sample interaction:

    Enter RASHTY Word:  appo
    Enter English Word: hello
    ....appo/hello has been added to the dictionary

    When choice 4 is selected, we prompt for a RASHTY messages that we need to decoded. RASHTY words are seperated by characters that are not in their alphabet (other than a-t). Each RASHTY word that has a translation is replaced by its equivalant English word. There may be RASHTY words that can not be translated, such words shall remain unchanged. All non-RASHTY-alpha characters remain in the translation as well. Here is a sample message getting translated:

    Enter Rashty Message:
    too goto batta jikerit dotoo, ton kokocat. ha ha
    English Translation:
    you did batta baby well, not exactly. ha ha

    Lastly, when choice 5 is selected, we write all our English/RASHTY pairs back into our dictionary file. and exit the program.