CSC 365         F I N A L   E X A M            NAME:___________________



(15 Points) 1.

You are to follow the balanced multi-way merge sort algorithm for sorting an external input tape.    Perform a 4-way merge sort (i.e. buffer size=4).  Show the content of each tape after each pass as promoted below.


Input Tape contains:  12 30 10  20  5  34  22  14  43  22  18  31  9  32  22  19  11  31  41  34  23  13.


The initial pass through the input tape would grab 4 records at a time (buffer size), sort them and store them in tapes 1 through 4 forming blocks of size 4 in our tapes. The sorted blocks from Tapes 1, 2, 3, and 4 are then merged and form new blocks in other tapes. Final answer should end up in the Output Tape.


After 1st Pass


Tape 1:


Tape 2:


Tape 3:


Tape 4:


After 2nd Pass


Tape 5:


Tape 6:


Tape 7:


Tape 8:


After 3rd Pass


Output Tape:

(10 Points) 2.

Write a method intended for the B-tree class that counts the number of nodes (NOT keys) in a B-tree and returns the count.  This method returns zero if the node reference sent to is null; otherwise, it counts the node itself as one and then recursively counts its children, returning the sum of those counts.  A copy of is attached.

 (10 Pts.) 3.

Consider the following              Consider the following

Supplier table:                                      Btree index file for Supplier:


         Supplier                                                                         s14/1

Rec# Snum  Sname   City                                   

  1      s14     IBM       BOS                                  

  2      s12     SUNW   BOS                                       

  3      s23     CPQ       NY                               

  4      s24     DELL     ST                                 s12/2                                           s23/3

  5      s15     MSFT    ST                          

  6      s20     CSCO    LA                         

  7      s42     JNPR     LA                      

  8      s10     HWP      NY                   s10/8                s13/9                s15/5  ??/??      ??/?? ??/??

  9      s13     SCTC     LA



Assume that our index file depicted on the right is an Order-3 Btree on Snum with key/Rec# entries.


   a. Replace the ??/?? entries in the Btree Index above with the key/Rec#s that were left out.



   b. Append (s45,QCOM,SF) to the end of the Supplier table and add the appropriate entry into its index file above.




(10 Points) 4.

What layer of the Relational Database Architecture interacts directly with the end-user (External, Conceptual, or Internal)? How does an end-user perceive the database, through what tools or interfaces?



















(15 Points) 5.

Assume the existence of the following tables:

Part(p#, description, color, weight, unit price)                 Shipment(p#, date, qty)


a. Show some sample values for each table:


p#  description  color  weight  unit price                   p#  date  qty








b. What is the following SQL statement trying to accomplish? Complete

    the sentence: This query

retrieves _________ for _______ that ________________________________.


SELECT          description

FROM             Part,Shipment

WHERE           Shipment.p# = Part.p#

     AND           qty > 100;


c. Based on the sample values you entered for each table above, what will be the answer:

 (20 Points) 6. 

Consider the following weighted graph, assume that the circle at the end of each edge identifies that node as the to node.

    a) What is the shortest path from A to F?



b) Lets assume the numbers on the edges are their capacities. Solve the MAX-flow problem from node A to node F.  Draw Gf and Gr and show your work on the next page.


(20 Points) 7. 

Consider the following findSP method from


  void findsp (Vector cp,Vector sp,int n, int destination) { 

    if (!g_[n].visited_) {


      Integer vecValue=new Integer(n);


      if (n == destination) {

        if (cp.size() < sp.size() || sp.isEmpty()) {





      else {

        adjacent neighbor=g_[n].first_;

        while (neighbor!=null) {


          neighbor = neighbor.next_;




      cp.remove(vecValue); //remove this edge before returning






We are interested in finding all paths from a given source to a destination.  What would you change in the above findSP method in order to turn it into a findAllPaths method; this method needs to store all paths from source to destination in some data structure of your choice, for example, another Vector.