CSC 459- ERD Example
Fit-4-Life Fitness Center is a small, privately owned fitness center. The steady
growth of the business has convinced the owners that they should implement a relational database
management system to replace the manual record keeping system currently being used. The main
business functions to be addressed include the tracking of: 1) Members of the center, 2) Purchases
by members of membership contracts and merchandise, 3) Enrollments by members in fitness classes,
4) Fitness courses offered as classes to the center members, 5) Personnel, including those who teach
fitness classes as well as those who work as clerks in the center store, 6) Merchandise sold in the
center store, 7) Vendors that supply the merchandise for sale in the center store, 8) Orders
placed with vendors for merchandise, 9) Facilities (rooms) and exercise equipment used at
the center, and 10) Maintenance histories and work orders used to maintain the equipment.
Here is the image from class discussion: