CS1 Standard Demo Page The following text was written to the standard output stream when the WorkList program was executed from IntelliJ. >>> help HELP - display a menu of commands DISPLAY - display the list of numbers PRINT - print a number (FIRST;LAST;nth) SWAP - exchange two elements (nth;mth) ADD - add a number to the list (FIRST;LAST) EXIT - terminate execution of the program >>> display and is who what where when why because never it nor how key >>> print first and >>> print last key >>> print 3 who >>> print 18 null >>> print 13 key >>> swap 5 7 >>> display and is who what why when where because never it nor how key >>> swap 1 13 >>> display key is who what why when where because never it nor how and >>> help HELP - display a menu of commands DISPLAY - display the list of numbers PRINT - print a number (FIRST;LAST;nth) SWAP - exchange two elements (nth;mth) ADD - add a number to the list (FIRST;LAST) EXIT - terminate execution of the program >>> showwords ### Unrecognizable command: showwords >>> add first hello >>> add last bye >>> display hello key is who what why when where because never it nor how and bye >>> exit